Digital Art Always Listening Always Listening Heads Will Roll Heads Will Roll Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts Untitled (19 x 13 in) Licence to Kill Subversion Subversion The Student Debt The Student Debt Unlce Sam Spy Unlce Sam Spy Walk on Water Walk on Water The Pscyhology Match The Pscyhology Match Soul ID Soul ID SkyKeeping SkyKeeping The Reset Plan The Reset Plan Vaginal Currency Vaginal Currency Snake Charmers Snake Charmers Money Laundering Money Laundering Motherboard Motherboard KKKolumbus KKKolumbus Death Becomes Her.jpeg Death Becomes Her Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels Hieroglitch Hieroglitch Bullshit Constellations Bullshit Constellations Artists Fire Artists Fire Artist Manufacture Artist Manufacture i cons i cons Santa’s Watching Santa Is Watching The World Bank The World Bank The Power of Music The Power of Music The Nazi Plan The Nazi Plan The Matrix Commandments The Matrix Commandments The Holy Disco The Holy Disco The Body of Christ The Body of Christ Snake Oil Perfume Snake Oil Perfume Snobs 5th Avenue Snobs 5th Avenue Sordid History Sordid History Saturn Snake Saturn Snake Patriarchy 101 Patriarchy 101 Saturn Dance Saturn Dance Copy of Copy of Copy of Untitled Paper Magazine Spoof Saturn 33 Saturn 33 Same Shit Different Era Same Shit Different Era Refugee Trap Refugee Trap Queen Bee Sting Queen Bee Sting Price of Gas Price of Gas Ocean Dumpster Diving Ocean Dumpster Diving Modern Joust Modern Joust Monarch Psychology Monarch Psychology interweb.jpeg Interwebs Holy Authority Holy Authority Magritte Remix Magritte Remix Melting Melting Capitalism Slaves Capitalism Slaves Crowd Surf Crowd Surf Terrorist Spotlight Terrorist Spotlight Orion is Watching Orion is Watching The Beekeepers The Beekeepers The Apple The Apple Numerology Gun Numerology Gun Negative ions Negative ions Mind Control Mind Control Moon Rider Moon Rider Moon Trap Moon Trap Measuring Love Measuring Love Escape Goats Escape Goats fascism terrorism Fascism Terrorism freud 1 Freud Hierarchy of Senses Hierarchy of Senses Justice Justice Light Grenade Light Grenade Credit Prisoner Credit Prisoner Danger Dancer Danger Dancer Capital Theives Capital Theives Action Potential Action Potential A Tool’s Errand A Tools Errand 5G Tree of Knowledge 5G Tree of Knowledge Saturn Pyramid Melt Saturn Pyramid Melt The Patriot Act The Patriot Act Untitled (24 × 24 in) (24 × 18 in) Pro-Life? my body my choice Our Bodies Government Fuck Government Fuck Constellations Constellations abort the government.jpg Abort the Government Political Venn diagram Political Venn diagram Muse Muse Gun Violence Heartbreak Gun Violence Heartbreak Legislation Uterus Legislation Uterus Females in Bondage Females in Bondage Gun Violence Hurts Gun Violence Hurts Imperialism Capitalism Imperialism Capitalism Big Tech Big Tech Big Tech 2 Big Tech 2